Group Gathering 1/28
It’s Friday evening again and I find myself at a loss for words. I’ve spent my week walking alongside some new families during some of their more fragile and vulnerable moments. Some of them have babies who have just taken off this week - they’ve soared! While others struggle to get going with the basics of eating and filling diapers. Sometimes it strikes me as thoroughly unfair that the families who prepare the most, who lay the foundation for learning before and support after, the ones who pour their whole hearts into the process, are ever the ones struggling through the deep valleys. It’s just not fair.
But here we hit on one of parenthood’s (Life’s?) greatest truths. Parenthood doesn’t call you based on how prepared you are. It calls you to lean in to what you’re being handed.
Have you ever felt like parenthood (or life) has dealt you an unfair blow? I have. I will tell you my story tomorrow. Maybe I’ll tell you two of them. Because, you see, I am a type-A enneagram 1 (except sometimes an 8) and I have extremely high expectations of myself - which makes it very easy for me to a) have my hopes dashed, and b) feel entitled to a certain degree of - um - success. Especially when I feel like I’ve worked hard for something, put honest effort in, etc.
I hope you’ll come and share your story too. I’ve missed all of you over these past two weeks and I’m ready to see you and your babies. I’ll have my scale with me as usual if anyone would like to catch a weight.
Feel free to bring a friend! I’ll also be sharing tomorrow about some visitors we’ll have in the coming weeks. One, a friend of mine, is a massage therapist and she will be bringing her massage table especially fitted for pregnant and postpartum bodies. Come tomorrow, learn more!
Melissa Hnosko, IBCLC, CPD