Group Gathering 2/25

Good Thursday morning from sunny Arizona! I’m here visiting family with my kids and (so I hear) avoiding sub-zero temps back at home. Alas, this is our last day here before we hop on a plane in Phoenix and find our way back to snowy Nebraska. The red rocks, cacti, lizards, and road runners are really cool, but there’s no place like home.

Believe it or not, your baby has similar feelings about the womb. Truth be told, human babies aren’t born ready for life outside the womb. Unlike many (most) other types of mammals, humans are totally helpless at birth. They need us for almost every aspect of their survival and are obviously startled by their eviction from the most perfect home where their every need was met before they experienced discomfort. So what’s a family of a “high needs” infant to do?

Come join the conversation Saturday as we delve into infant comfort measures. We’ll talk about soothing fussy babies, babywearing, comfort feeding, swaddling, and many other ways we can ease baby’s transition. We may also hit on common reasons your baby might be having a rougher go than usual - fast milk letdown leading to gas, milk over-supply, food intolerance, body tension etc. As usual, I’ll have my scale available for anyone wanting to grab a weight.

I hope you’ll join us. I’ll try to bring the sunshine back with me from Arizona, but please go easy on me if it’s too heavy to pack along.

Melissa Hnosko, IBCLC, CPD


Group Gathering This Saturday, 2/11